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Specialized Ministry Departments of

The Lutheran Orthodox Church

The Lutheran Orthodox Church has established several offices of specialized ministry. These special offices handle very specific areas of expertise and are directed by very qualified personnel. Please feel free to contact these offices if you should need their assistance.

Office of Chaplaincy Services

Bishop Eliott Cruz, Director

This office was established for the training and credentialing of Hospital Chaplains affiliated with The Lutheran Orthodox Church as well as those seeking other institutional chaplaincy positions endorsed by The LOC.

A hospital chaplain is a highly specialized minister and must be well trained and proficient in more than just pastoral ministry. This department not only verifies the accredited educational background of the candidate, it also implements the ongoing training and continuing educational requirements of chaplains so that wherever an LOC chaplain is commissioned, the hiring organization as well as the public can be assured of the finest, most well qualified personnel available.

This department has the responsibility to ensure that each registered chaplain meets all CPE educational requirements as required not only by this denomination but also by outside accrediting agencies.

Inquiries can be made by email here

Office of Ecumenical Relations

Bishop Bradley Varvil, Director

This office has the responsibility of handling the many requests made of The Lutheran Orthodox Church for Pulpit and Altar Fellowship, Full Communion, Intercommunion, joint ventures and interdenominational projects.

This office also has the responsibility to contact other Christian bodies on behalf of The LOC for reciprocal agreements between the LOC and other Christian bodies.

The Lutheran Orthodox Church has Full Communion arrangements with several other Christian bodies and denominations and performs ordinations on behalf of our communion partners.

This office also handles requests from other Christian bodies which have no formal relations with to assist in ordinations and other requests for assistance.

Inquiries can be made by email here

Office of Educational Standards and Services

Bishop Michael Byus, Director 

This office was developed to ensure a consistant educational level is provided for all ministers of The LOC and for the continuing educational needs of today's clergy. This office will assist those who seek credentials of ministry but do not currently meet the educational requirements of this denomination in attaining the acceptable level of college and post graduate studies. This program is specifically for those who have or seek credentials with the Lutheran Orthodox Church.

Email Click Here

The Randy G Wagoner Memorial Chair

RevDr Eliott Cruz

What is The Randy G Wagoner Memorial Chair?

Randy G. Wagoner was one of the Founders of The Lutheran Orthodox Church. He served admirably until his untimely and unexpected passing in April of 2014. During his time as Executive Vice President he humbly and quietly went about the business of serving The Lord, caring for his family, and acting as Chief Spiritual Counselor to the Bishops of The Lutheran Orthodox Church. His Biblical counsel, his wit, humor and wisdom were most welcome and at times most definitely needed. He is a man of God who will truly be missed and whose influence on the Lutheran Orthodox Church will be felt for all time.

We felt it fitting and appropriate to remember this wonderful, humble man of God by keeping his contributions to the LOC alive in memory by creating The Randy G Wagoner Memorial Chair. The person who holds this seat is a person who best exemplifies the Christian attributes of our friend Randy and who can continue his legacy of offering sound and Scriptural counsel to the Bishops and members of the LOC when they need guidance in matters of faith, and encouragement. It is our honor to seat The Reverend Eliott Cruz as holder of The Randy G Wagoner memorial Chair, to serve as Chief Spiritual Counselor to the Bishops of The LOC.


ReverendDr Sam Guido

This office was established to ensure that all the By Laws and Constitution of The LOC are adhered to, as well as to ensure the By Laws and Constitution are in agreement with Holy Scripture. 

Upon the retirement of the founder of the LOC, a smooth and orderly transition ensued, and all was well; in fact everything was running so smoothly, the denomination forgot to hold the 5 year elections for officers and Presiding Bishop. It was decided that a Parliamentarian was needed so that all rules of order are followed. It was unanimously decided that the first Parlimentarian should be the person most instrumental in writing the By Laws establish and oversee the position. 

The function of the Parlimentarian is to ensure all Rules of Order are followed in accordance with the By Laws. 

The Lutheran Orthodox Church, Inc., incorporated in Pa and SC

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